FFL Transfer Steps
Before processing an FFL Transfer with us, please know we offer special orders, competitive pricing, and free in-store pickup at our KF Armory, LLC store in Alpharetta, GA. If you cannot find the item you want on our website we may have it in-store, please contact us directly at info@kfarmory.com. Our FFL Transfer Fee is $40 for non-NFA (Title 1) and $200 for NFA items (Title 2).
FFL Transfer Steps
Step 1: Click the link to here to download our Federal Firearm License and provide it to the firearm retailer or individual who is shipping the firearm to you. Please have your FFL contact us directly for our SOT if required. Online retailers and individuals will normally accept this copy of our FFL by email. Our physical address is:
KF Armory, LLC
5755 N. Point Parkway, STE 49
Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
Step 2: Send us an email at info@kfarmory.com with your contact information including phone and email, the firearm you purchased, and the item’s tracking number.
Step 3: Wait for our notification. Once the firearm is shipped and in our possession, we will notify you to setup a pick-up appointment time. Please make sure to bring your valid Georgia Weapons Carry License, Driver’s License, or other acceptable form of State of Georgia identification so we can perform the appropriate NICS and related checks in order to release the transferred item to you.
If you require our SOT or have any questions please feel free to contact us.